Sunday 17 May 2015

I would like to illustrate to this bar graph which is about the Global Warming Statistics and people awareness in America . you will find a marked increase of the percent of Americans who believed global warming is very real which is around three quarters, then there is a significant drop of the percent of the American who believe global warming is not happening and that was less than 15%, followed by a sudden increase of the percent of American who believe global warming is caused mostly by human activity and leveled off with the American who say they are "somewhat" or "very worried" about global warming and the both  was more than a half percent, where as the percent of American who say they trust climate scientists as a source of information about global warming increased significantly more than three quarters, followed by a pronounced take off of the percent of American who believe global warming is being caused by humans approximately near to the whole percentage . Finally  you can observe a dramatic drop of the percent of all carbon dioxide that is emitted by man made sources which is near to zero. 

Thank you for pushing us to write and trying our best to describe the trends.

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